Footwear for life
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Slippers have a bad reputation in fashion. If they're thought of at all, it's usually secondarily and as a disposable good. We want to change that and make items that live as long as you do. That means going beyond just the aesthetic and testing for longevity. 

Inabo, a slipper company born in Sweden, a country known for good style, borderline obsessive home decoration and for the tradition of always taking your shoes off when entering a home. Founded by drop-out lawyer Ludvig Lindberg and pro-napper Sofia Jansson in 2018, Inabo comes with the aspiration to encourage people to slow down, to stay in and to value me time over screen time.

The days of shuffling around in those not-so-fancy terrycloth slippers from that nice hotel you once stayed at are finally over. We suggest that you match your shoes with the art hanging on your walls and add some decadence to your everyday life. To us, staying in is basically an art form. We encourage you to practice it as often as you can.

From one insider to another: put your feet up and do nothing once in a while.

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